You Are Enough

Do you ever have those moments where you don’t feel like you are enough? Confused on what your purpose here on Earth truly is, and will you make a difference once you find your purpose? I have been there more times than I can count.

In the last two years I feel that I have finally found my purpose. I have not perfected it and probably never will. I am, however, confident that this is what God’s purpose for me is.

Church has always been a huge part of my life. My Dad is the current Pastor of our church and has been for the last eight years. Before he became a Pastor of the Crossing Christian Church, he was a youth Pastor at Northside Christian Church. I have been in the Christian church most of my life and never did I think I would become a worship leader.

On July 25th 2010, my Dad came to the hospital to witness his first grandchild being born. I was in labor on a Sunday morning, and he came up there before church. I could tell something was on his mind but he didn’t want to talk about it and make he upset, he said “this is supposed to be a happy time.” My dad means the world to me and I don’t like to see him upset so I asked him to please tell me what was going on. He said “our pastor is leaving the church”. The current pastor of the Crossing Christian Church was leaving. I will not go into detail on the reasons why, but it sure shook up the church and its members.

My Dad was an elder at the time and decided to step in and take the lead Pastor roll. Over the next several months, we continued to lose people and teams that were a part of the church. We lost additional leaders and eventually our worship team. I remember going to my Dad’s house one Sunday after church to swim, and we were talking about options for the worship team and who was going to lead worship. I told my Dad, “I think I can help”. So we went out on the screened in porch and I sang for him. When deer in the headlight eyes he says “I didn’t know you could do that!” and informs me that I needed to sing that coming Sunday. The word nervous was an understatement, I was TERRIFIED.

At that point in my life I had never sang in front of anyone let alone an entire church. I reluctantly got up that Sunday and sang for the first time in front of our congregation. The reluctancy was not because I didn’t necessarily want to lead worship, it was because I didn’t feel good enough to do it.

When I looked at the past worship leaders in our church and other churches we had been to, they were older, wiser, I felt they had way more experience and sounded so much better than I. This was Satan telling me that I was NOT good enough. God had plans to push him out of the way. It wasn’t until about three years ago that I got over this feeling of feeling inadequate to lead others to worship.

Our church is now a completely different church from when I started leading worship, and I am a completely different worship leader. I am not afraid to step out of my comfort zone, and to challenge others into a worship experience like they have never felt. It is amazing to be able to stand in front of God’s people every Sunday and lead them into the throne room of God. Does being a worship leader make me a perfect Christian, NO! I am far far from it. It does however, bring me into a place of freedom with Jesus that I didn’t know was possible. That is what I want our congregation to feel every Sunday! I pray for them to know and feel the Holy Spirit like I have felt in those moments of worship.

I say all of this to encourage you. If you are in a place of uncertainty, of where your position is in the church, in work, or even on this Earth, God will reveal it to you. Once He does reveal it to you, do not doubt Him. He is the knower of all things. He knew your purpose before you were even created. No matter what stage of life you are in- you are ENOUGH.

Help Wanted- PLEASE

This post is probably the last thing I thought I would write when I decided to blog again. But do you ever have those moments where God puts you in a situation, and the Spirit speaks to you and says “you HAVE to do something about this!” Well that is what happened to me today.

It was raining this morning which of course caused some traffic delays. I heard on the radio that I-65 South was backed up pretty good so I decided to take a detour to work. So I traveled along the back roads and ended up on Jackson Street, downtown. What I saw I could not believe. I have seen this sight before, homeless men and women under an overpass piled with blankets, personal belongings, and tents. But something was different today when I saw what was in front of me. I looked at these folks and God whispered to me “these are my children” and it was like instantly He gave me His eyes to see. These weren’t just homeless men and women, people struggling on the street to survive, these were God’s children who need His light in their life, who need prayer, who NEED. Who’s responsibility is it to help? When you hear “help the homeless”, do you think of giving money to drunks or druggies that are going to do “no good with my money”? Or do you think “these are God’s children, who need prayer and encouragement, and yes a water bottle and some food to eat”?

God’s word says this about helping the needy in His word:

Proverbs 31:8-9 (NLT)

8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;
    ensure justice for those being crushed.
Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless,
    and see that they get justice.

Proverbs 14:31 (NLT)

31 Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker,
    but helping the poor honors him.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

I am asking for your help if you feel called to do so! I would like to put together some “blessing bags” to hand out to those in need in the downtown area. If you aren’t sure what a blessing bag is, google and you can easily find out. If you are interested in helping with this please contact me at my email below. Put in the subject line “Help Wanted” so I am able to spot those messages quickly. I truly think this could be an exciting thing to not only reach out to those with items they could use, BUT to also share the Lord with these folks and to share LOVE with them.

Blessing Bag Items

A little can go a long way.

Thanks friends for reading, and listening to my spontaneous and maybe crazy idea!


Writing Again

It’s been a while since I have written, much too long if I am being honest. I guess thats what happens when once again life intervenes. But I am back. I am ready to begin writing again and sharing life with you all.

Today is Sunday. Sunday’s are long days for us as I start it at 6 A.M. getting ready for church.  The band rehearses prior to service at 8 A.M. in Greenville, IN, and I am from Louisville, with having two kids, Arielle (7) and Willow (2) that I get ready as well, so you can imagine what it looks like trying to get out the door on time.

Today was no different than any other Sunday. But little did I know what God had in store for me.

I was nervous for some reason to sing. We were doing a new song, one that moves my heart more than any worship song has and I wanted that same experience for the congregation. I was putting the pressure on myself thinking that this was my job. I kept saying to myself ‘this has to be perfect for them’. This is what we do to ourselves when we get in the way and don’t let the spirit work through us. We want control, because we think we know what’s best.

In the midst of my mind racing, critiquing myself and thinking of how I could make this perfect, a sweet spirit whispered in my ear “Allow the spirit to work through you and don’t let satan steal your joy. God gave you this gift and it is beautiful, use it to worship Him.” As soon as Vickie said that to me, I immediately felt a sense of peace coming over me. She prayed for the spirit to work through us on the stage and for it to be a joyful noise to Him. Being on the stage, there to praise Him, you could truly feel the Holy Spirit just flowing through us and through the church. Hands were raised high and hearts were becoming vulneranle. Not because of Vickie and myself or the band, and not because of my Dad (Pastor Bobby), but because WE were vulnerable to the spirit. We allowed ourselves to get out of the way so the spirit could move. Man, did He move. He allowed a message of truth to be delivered and in turn lives were given to Christ.


I say all of this to remind you to GET OUT OF THE WAY. Don’t worry about the perfection, in whatever it is that you are trying to perfect, or whatever you are criticizing yourself about. Jesus tells us to ” work with all your heart as if working for the Lord and not man.”- Col. 3:23.

Just when I think I have it all figured out, God reveals that I have so much more to learn on this journey with Him. I am so excited to see what He has in store for me.

Thank you God for revealing your spirit this morning. Thank you for allowing me to serve you. I do not deserve this but still you call me.

If you are interested in the song we sang today, the link is below.

Tremble-Mosaic MSC

Thanks friends for reading.

Sunday Funday

Hey Friends! I hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday with your families. Whether you are having Labor Day party’s or just hang at home, today is a great day to relax.

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Is that what I am doing? Of course not! I always feel like I have to do something, whether the girls and I are visiting friends and family, or I am doing a DIY project at home. Which is what I am doing today! It’s almost done and I cannot wait to show you all the finished product. I decided to refinish a pink dresser and paint it “linen white” with chalk paint. I have heard a lot of good things about chalk paint and so far so good! It dries super fast and you only need one or two coats to get the coverage you need. It also dries with a pretty matte finish! I have not bought any wax yet to finish it up, but I read today that it is almost better to put a clear sealant on top instead of wax; so that is what I plan to do. I will keep you all posted once I am finished! Please, if you have any suggestions on what to use.. wax or sealant, please let me know.

Now, I wanted to share with you the great news! I am so happy to say that Michael and I FINALLY got to have a date day last Sunday! It was as if God knew exactly what I needed to start off the week right! I had a horrible week that week, and was very down and that little time we got to spend together on Sunday was what we needed to lift our spirits. So we went to lunch at a restaurant in the highlands called The Eagle. It is southern style food and was absolutely amazing! We both got the fried chicken, and shared their Mac and cheese, and greens. After we ate we went and got ice cream at Comfy Cow. One thing we used to do on every date we went on was get ice cream, and we enjoyed every bite! I cannot remember the last date we went on, so I cherished every second I got with my hubby and hope that we do not have to wait much longer until the next date. I want to also say thank you to my cousin Lindsey who so willingly watched our crazy kids just so we got that time together! Lindsey it means more to me than you’ll ever know!

Michael is at work today unfortunately BUT I am having my family out for chili and maybe some pumpkin beer! (y’all know Fall is my FAVORITE). I am going to get back to my DIY project and will be posting final pictures in a couple days!

Happy Sunday Funday everyone!

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Hello, nice to meet you.

Hey there. Yes I am back, and I have been gone for a while. Honestly, a lot longer than I was hoping. I’ve had several things I have wanted to write about, things to “get off my chest”, things that “life” brings our way, but I have been scared. I’ve been scared of what people may think of me if I share this part of life with them. Scared that I will be perceived as weak. Scared that I will be judged. In reality all of this happens to everyone every single day, we just have to learn to move on and not care what others think. So in saying that, here is why I have been away…

So in one of my first blog post I wrote about the struggle of my husbands job. You see, he got a new job in hopes of a new found happiness, a new start, and a great way to provide for his family. But instead it brought the opposite. He is working 7 days a week almost 12 hours a day and hasn’t had a day off since the fourth of July. Not to mention he is on second shift. With this change has brought a lot of adjustments.  The girls and I now eat dinner alone. We do bath time and bed time alone. Willow asks everyday when we pull in the driveway from work/school, “Daddy is at work,” and I reply everyday “Yes, baby daddy is at work.” He stays home with them in the morning so he is able to spend time with them but that means I rarely get to see him, except on the Monday’s I get to work at home. But those moments I get I cherish!

I’ve never had to be without my husband at any given time such as this. I’ve never had to see him work so hard and not get a day off in weeks. I’ve never had to witness him be so tired and so weak from constantly working that it breaks my heart! But what I will say this has all brought to my attention is how much I took those moments I did have as a “normal” life or schedule with him for granted. We were just texting today how we regret not taking all those moments soaking in life together, because we just let “life” get in the way. And now that we don’t have the chance to be together we wish so very much that we would have taken those moments in more. However, in this bumpy road comes a lesson. We are learning more than ever to lean on God. To ask Him daily for guidance and for Him to provide Michael a way to provide for our family but still have happiness and health within his work. God is teaching us other ways to communicate since we cannot always be there physically with each other. He is teaching us to encourage each other every single day! Not that we didn’t do that before, but this has become more important than ever before. I am so very proud of his dedication and work ethic, even with disliking his current work life, he powers through it and leans on God to give him that strength.

This has also made me appreciate my time with the girls, my family, and friends. The first few months, I sulked over not having Mike there. I felt sorry for myself. I was sad. I missed my soulmate. But lately I realize that it isn’t just me missing him. My girls miss their daddy, his mom misses her son… you get the picture. AND I know that he misses us just as much if not more. So in essence it’s been hard. However, as hard as it is, we understand it could always be worse. I am so grateful for the support I have had from my family and friends. From all of the long FaceTime conversations I have had crying because I just want an adult to talk to about my day. Also, for all of the prayers from everyone for Michael and myself. Please keep praying. We know this is God testing our faith, and we also know that He has a plan for him (Jeremiah 29:11), so we are giving it literally ALL to God. He has the control in this situation.

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So since I finally got this off my chest, I am happy to say that I am back to writing, and hope to be back more often than not. This is something that makes me happy, something that helps the stress and anxiety that life brings. I appreciate you all taking the time to read this, it means more than you know. God is so good, and I know that with Him by our sides we can get through anything.

What is Friendship?

Friendship in the dictionary means: “the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.” Some synonyms of friendship are: “relationship, close relationship, attachment, mutual attachment, association, bond, tie, link, union.” When you look at those words and you think of the friends in your life is this what you consider to have with them?

I was reading a devotional last night on “Deepening Your Relational Circles”. The devotional series itself is called “Simplify- Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul”. In this specific devotional it talks about what Solomon said in Proverbs chapter 13:20-

” Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”

When we surround ourselves with foolish people we can become just like them. When we surround ourselves with negative people, we can become negative.  It also says this is 1 Corinthians 15:33 – Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” I have learned over time that the friendships I want to have are with people that are loving, caring, honest, positive, supportive, because I want that character to rub off on me. I can honestly say that the few friends that I have close to me in my life have those qualities.

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Life ultimately is too short to surround yourself with people who will have nothing but a negative impact on your life. There also is a balance in this as well. In an earlier blog I talked about how God places certain people in your life for a reason. Sometimes that reason isn’t to be “friends” with them, but to plant that seed of Christ in their lives. As humans we tend to think we can “fix” everyone, and sometimes as a Christ follower we THINK that is our job. It is not our job, it is their job to accept Christ and follow him, we cannot force people to do that. So when God places those negative people in our life it is usually to try and plant that seed and lift them up to God. When doing this sometimes friendships do form, but know that if that friendship doesn’t have “love, joy, peace, patient, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, or self-control” as it says in Galatians 5:22-23, then it is ok to let it go. It is ok to understand that maybe God put them in your life to lift them up but only to do so for a brief period and then to let them go.

This has been a hard concept for me and one that I am still learning. I am a very passionate person when it comes to those I care about, those that I would call friends. Some of those people I am still friends with and some I have lost. Those that I have lost were not meant to be in my life. I am getting better at accepting that, but it hasn’t been easy. I would say one of my best qualities of being a friend is the support and love that I put into it. I am in no way boasting about myself, but being honest with myself. I put a lot of effort into any friendship that I have, and sometimes I don’t receive that reciprocation. If you have friendships like that know that it is ok. It is okay that you aren’t receiving that back, because maybe God is just placing them in your life for another reason than to be “friends”. Pray about it and ask God what is this person doing in your life. He will revel that to you. In the mean time, don’t beat yourself up asking why they aren’t being what you consider a true friend to you. Why aren’t they showing those qualities it says in Galatians, because there is another purpose for them in your life than to be friends.

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I am forever grateful for each person that I have close to me in my life now. Those people that I can consider my friends are those I hope and pray to always have close to me and like I said I am learning over time that it is ok to let people into your life, but ultimately not remain close to them. This doesn’t mean they are a bad person, or you did something wrong, it just means God had a purpose for them in your life and that purpose has been served.

I hope this may have given you some insight on evaluating the people you have close to you. I pray that God gives you those answers when you ask him ‘why have you placed this person in my life?’ But I also pray that you continue to allow people into your life because you never know what purpose God has for them and why he chose you for that purpose.

Parabo Press

img_2762.pngHappy Monday to you all! I wanted to share with you an amazing app that I recently discovered. If you are anything like me, then you love having pictures of your loved ones in your hand. Pictures you can hang in your house, pictures you can hang at work, and hand out to your friends and family. Well I am always on the search for cool ways to edit photos, as well as print them! Parabo Press offers high quality photo prints for an amazing price. You can get 25 FREE 4×4 photos and just pay shipping.  You can also upgrade to the 5×5 prints for just a small price (which is what I did). The prints are on a durable thick card stock with a cute white border. Basically it looks like your Instagram photos in real life form.  But they also offer so many other options as well, metal prints, black and white engineer prints, photo books, calendars, and lots of display options for your photos.

You can download the app to your phone for convenience and upload photos from your phone to the app to have them printed. A lot of times they run specials as well, like offering 25-50% off certain prints! It really is an amazing app that gives you quality and COOL photos. Please make sure to check it out and if you decide to order use my code TVFRAC and get $10 off your first order! Also every friend you refer you receive $10 off! I’m in no way trying to promote just to promote… its because I use this app and love it, so why not share share share! Let me know your thoughts if you decide to use! I would love to see your photos! Some of my photos that I have ordered are below.

Have a wonderful week you all!


The Perfect Love

What is perfect love to you?  Is it something you feel you show your children? Is it the love you have for your spouse? God is perfect love. So many times we think that we have the perfect love figured out. ‘If I could just have a man that would buy me roses and go on walks with me, and send me love notes, that would be the perfect kind of love.’ ‘If I could find a woman who would cook me dinner every night, and rub my feet after a long days work, that would be the perfect kind of love I want!’ We all have this image on what we feel a “perfect love” would be. We search for this love sometimes for years, and even once we think we have found it, we still feel some sort of emptiness, we still feel a sense of loneliness. So we ask ourselves ‘why’? It is because we chase after what we think is a perfect love. We search for what we think will bring us joy and happiness in a human being. Yes, our significant others bring us those things, or if you are single, yes there is someone out there for you that will be those things… BUT they are not and will never have perfect love.

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Perfect in the dictionary means: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. Some synonyms for perfect are: ideal, model, without fault, faultless, flawless, consummate, quintessential, exemplary, best, ultimate. As much as we want to believe there is a human out there that can give us perfect love, there isn’t.  God’s love is pure and perfect. Human love is flawed. However, with God’s love within, love is then perfected through us. 

In the Bible it talks about God’s perfect love and says:

“16 So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 17 By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world.18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 19 We love because he first loved us.”- 1 John 4: 16-19

Just think about that for a moment… that “we love because HE first loved us.” The love that we show to our spouses, the love we show to our children, the love we show to our family, the love we show to our friends, is ALL because of Him! Without Him, there is NO such thing as love.

When God lays something on my heart I want to  be able to share, and now I feel like He has provided this as an outlet to do so.  I am not sure who needed to read this, but I pray it has touched someone. Let go of thinking you will ever find in this world something or someone that will have the perfect love. Reach out to God, search for His love, ask Him to reveal that love to you, and you will never have to search again.

Warning…this is personal

So I finally feel like it is time that I got personal.  I started this blog as a way to allow me to have an outlet about the things I love, but also to do life with you. What I mean by that is to share some of my life blessings and struggles, in the hopes to help you feel that you are not alone if you are going through similar life events.Screen Shot 2017-06-18 at 9.31.34 PM

I have two beautiful girls, Arielle who is almost seven, and Willow who just turned two.  My husband, Mike, works as a production supervisor for a food factory and needless to say we don’t get to see him very much (he works crazy weird hours).  However, we know these hours are only a temporary thing. In the mean time we are always trying to find ways to spend time together but also keep our home life as normal as possible, which hasn’t been easy. I have found in this transition the most important thing to have is not just a strong support system with family and close friends but also a close relationship with Christ. He is the one that NEVER lets me down. He is the one who will ALWAYS answer when I call. If it wasn’t for my faith in Him, I’m not sure that I could have made it as far as I have. Christ is the foundation of our lives and with Him at the forefront we can get through anything.

I’m also very lucky to have the friends that I have. I met one of my best friends not to long ago in my department at work. We had an instant bond and I never thought I would ever be so close to someone like I have been this woman. Jennifer also has a similar situation where her husband works long hours all while she works and comes home to care for her precious three year old Silas (while pregnant). There have been many nights… almost every night, where we talk and comfort each other when we are struggling just with the stresses of everyday life while our husbands are out providing for our families. I have found that in these moments it is almost crucial to have a family member or close friend that you can lean on. And if you have more than one… even better! We are not meant to go through life alone. God plants people in our life for a reason, so instead of questioning why they were put in your life, just go with it! Allow them in! Be vulnerable. God wants us to be able to have those people to lean on while on this Earth. Our significant others may not be able to be around all the time, or you maybe single, whatever the situation maybe allow God to bless you with those people who can help do life beside you.

I have my family to thank as well. My mom gets calls from me daily, asking for advice and asking “literally how did you do this mom?” Of course she laughs and usually tells me “I don’t know honey, I just did.” I look at her and think if she could survive raising four girls all while her and my step-dad worked then I can survive. But I want to tell you that its OK to feel like you aren’t going to survive. Life gets so overwhelming sometimes and we get so caught up in the here and now that we just know we are going to drown. This is where my dad has come in. When I have those moments I call my dad and all I have to say is “dad pray for me please” and right then and there he does it.  Sometimes I get aggravated when I ask him “dad, why is this happening to US, why not someone else!?” and he usually pulls out a verse. In reality that is where I should always be turning to is God’s word. Thats where every answer is. God’s word is what truly will guide us in the right direction when we are clueless. It’s also what will give us comfort when we are in doubt or when we feel like we are drowning.

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So I will leave you with this, always remember this verse: James 1: 2-4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Lets persevere and get through life together.

Have a great week!

“I’ve got an oil for that!”

Hello Friends! As promised I wanted to talk with you about essential oils and the big role they play not only in my family’s life, but also my friends life as well.

I started using oils about 2 years ago as another option outside of using over the counter drugs for small things like headaches, and stomach aches. However, I found that they could be used for so much more than the normal aches and pains!

I currently use a mixture of brands when I use my oils. Not for any reason, other than I like to try and help my friends in their businesses, or if there is a good deal I am going to take it! So I currently am using Young Living, Doterra, and Rocky Mountain Oils. All have received great reviews and all of them I love.

My main go to oils that I use almost daily are peppermint, lavender, vetiver, rosemary,  and breathe.  Along with a roller oil blend “past tense”. I will give you a little description on what I use them for and how they work for me and my family.


  • Peppermint- is great for headaches, stomach aches, sinus congestion, and the list goes on.  These are the main things we use this oil for.
  • Lavender- this oil we use mainly for relaxation and stress.  I use it on both my girls when they seem very wound up or are having trouble sleeping and it always seems to help calm them down.
  • Vetiver- this oil I use EVERY night to help me sleep. Vetiver has been known to help people with sleep apnea and insomnia. You apply it to the bottom of your feet and it gives you an instant calming that helps relax your mind and body. This is a MUST oil for me.
  • Rosemary- we defuse this oil to help with respiratory problems, as well as just the smell. It has a great aroma and it really helps with breathing.
  • Breathe- this is a blended oil that helps clear airways, makes breathing easier when congested and helps with seasonal allergies. We defuse this at night when the allergy season is bad and it helps us all breathe a little easier.

So now that I have given you my favorites and why they are my go to items, I am going to introduce you to three wonderful women who are pursuing their dreams in the essential oil business. These ladies are getting the word out there on why they love these products and how they have changed their lives and I want to share that with you as well! Danielle, Brooke, and Anna are putting their passions out there for the world to see, so if you have an interest in oils and want to know more they want to help! I have asked each of them to give me a little testimony on their journey to using oils and how it has helped them in their personal lives. I hope you enjoy their stories as much as I have.

Meet DanielleFB_IMG_1497574210906

“Hi y’all! My name is Danielle Cornett! I’m a wife👰 to Jonathan, a mama to two beautiful little girls👭, Tinley who’s 3, and Macie who’s 17 months,a dog mama to Leo who will be 5 in august, a labor and delivery nurse ❤️👶 and I’m totally obsessed with young living and all of their amazing natural products! I found my love for YL in January of this year and can’t go a day without using multiple oils and products they offer daily! Which is expanding starting Monday 😍😍😍 Young living is about to start offering sunscreen, MAKEUP and an entire kids line called seedlings👶❤️ which will contain everything from wipes to shampoo! Young living is the only company that can say they are 100% pure and natural through our seed to seal promise! Only the very best for my family!

My go to oils, if I could only pick 3(but who would want to do that) would be stress away, lavender and thieves/thieves cleaner. Y’all that was really hard because I could have written at least 20 that I’m totally obsessed with and use on a daily basis!

🌿Stress away 💓 oh sweet sweet stress away! The name says it all! Anytime you’re feeling stressed, anxious, down or just not like yourself slap this bad boy on and watch those feelings lift off of your shoulders. This is what sold me on my first kit! I even love to just inhale this oil. I apply this over my heart, to my wrist and onto the back of my neck. I cannot go through a 12 shift without this oil! Or a day at home with my babes 😂

Lavender ❤️ I usually tell everyone to start with its oil first. It has been nicknamed The Swiss army knife of oils because of its many versatile uses. My favorite ways​ to use it are for Sleep, cuts and bruises, seasonal sniffles and of course relaxation. It is great in a bath with some epsom salt and it is the most gentle oil and it’s a great one to start with. This is in our sleepy bedtime rollers for the girls! Tinley asks every night for her sleepy oils!

Thieves cleaner 🌿 oh my goodness, if you don’t have this in your home you’re crazy! Being a nurse I had to make sure this was legit and would actually clean! I recommend you YouTube “thieves petri dish experiments”! Your mind will be blown 🌋 Thieves is an all natural, toxic free way to clean your home and even let your littles help without worrying about chemicals and toxins! I love the story behind Thieves too! It was said that Thieves during the plague would go around robbing and stealing from the sick and dyeing and wouldn’t get sick because they had this blend of oils on themselves! 😍 I mean wow! Hence the name 😉

My goal is to get YL in every home of all my friends and help them on their way to healthy wellness! There are so many alternatives to things you use every single day that are so much healthier through young living! And if you’re a skeptic please contact me so I can help change that with some samples! Also, think about it. If you’ve ever used​ Vicks,a citronella candle or a lotion infused with lavender to relax, you’re already a believer, you’re just doing yourself an injustice and not going the pure all natural route!
My member ID number with YL is 11168167 and here’s a link to purchase through me Young Living- Danielle. You can also message me on Facebook or search my name on the young living website!! I’d be happy to help you start, or continue, your journey to wellness!”
Meet Brooke:19238670_10154715291275998_1573923923_o
“So I could tell you why I chose Young Living or I could tell you why I chose oils. While the reason I picked Young Living is good educational information, the reason I chose oils comes more from the heart. When I purchased my PSK from YL I didn’t really know anything about oils. I was looking for something to help with the cramps I get from PCOS. I never knew that looking for helps with cramps would change my entire life in an unimaginable way. First joining the community Oil+Co, I quickly learned that you can use Lavender for essential everything. We actually have a saying “When in doubt, use Lavender.” But I learned that Peppermint helps cool my dogs down on hot days and taste great in brownies 😊. I have the kind of personality that throws all of me into something so the more I learned the more I craved knowing. Before I go on I should let you know that I have suffered from depression at a very young age. The older I get, the worse it seems to become. Everyday is a struggle for me. Depression and anxiety have affected every relationship I’ve ever had, caused me to walk away from the easiest job I’ve ever had, causes insomnia and leaves me in puddles of unexplainable tears almost daily. I tried taking medication, but what antidepressants do is numb all emotions. So instead of just not feeling sad, you don’t feel anything and become essentially a zombie. I can remember laying in my bed just watching the fan spin. No desire to move. And that, for me, was worse than feeling sad. I decided that I would rather be a rollercoaster of emotions than just feel nothing at all. Fast forward to now. Shortly after diving into oils I learned that they can help with anxiety and depression. I thought there is no way this is true. But what did I have to lose. That is when I learned about Valor. Valor had been out of stock for over a year because it only passed 7/8 test that it needs to pass in order to be bottled. So I waited. This oil is the holy grail of oils that fight depression. While I was waiting I looked up other oils. I learned that Bergamot and Vetiver both help lift mood and relax the body. I started diffusing these along with Lavender and Cedarwood as I fell asleep and for the first time in as long as I could remember, I slept soundly all night without being pass out drunk. I was able to fall asleep and stay asleep. I thought it was a fluke until it happened again, and again, and again. I had more energy because I was well rested. I noticed I had less bad days. And then Valor was released again. Praise Jesus. I use Valor on my toes when I’m having a particularly bad day. Or inhale it straight from the bottle. It has an intense calming affect. Which makes my messed up brain calm down. This is it. This oil has changed my life. But then I heard about another oil blend that had been out of stock called Progressence Plus. This blend is specifically designed for women. It helps to balance hormones and can help with PCOS, Endometriosis, infertility and premenstrual depression. I have officially started rubbing two drops on my forearm before bed every night. I’m still in the phase where my hormones are trying to balance themselves out which could take about a month but from everyone who already uses it, I’m optimistic that it will work as well as everything else I’ve tried. I am an oiler for life. I’m so glad I have found a way to help prevent my episodes from happening all together instead of just trying to treat them in the middle of one. Oils where more than I ever expected. They have saved me from myself.
Some oils I use everyday and why.
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  • Grapefruit – add to water to help dissolve fat.
  • Peppermint – add to the dogs water to cool them down, my allergies
  • Lavender – Diffuse for sleep, drops in bath for destressing, in mascara for healthy lashes, bug bite relief, it’s in my dogs flea spray, allergies, etc.
  • Lemon – taste yummy, allergies
  • Bergamot – Sleep, aches and pains
  • Valor – Depression, snoring (lol)
  • Progressence Plus – Hormone Balance
  • Rosemary – mix with cedarwood and lavender for a scalp spray

I could really keep going on but those are the ones I use the most.”

Go visit her business page on Facebook linked here- Young Living- Brooke

Meet Anna:17546989_10158944211665497_1588939363000581763_o

“I stumbled upon essential oils while doing research on ADHD for my son. I found numerous things we change in our lifestyles to potentially assist him. Cleaner and greener was one topic that kept coming up. Cleaner eating. Greener living. We have slowly started replacing medicines, cleaners, and personal care items with more natural choices. We found several essential oils to support different parts of his little system and assist with any deficiencies that he has. We may have started our research looking for solutions for our son but we continue research to support the entire family now. Whether it be immunity support, relaxation support, personal care, greener cleaning, or even adding a bit of flavor to water and food we use essential oils daily in every aspect of our entire families loves now.

As a diabetic lemon essential oil is one of my favorites.  I add lemon to my water and tea every day. It adds just the right flavor to keep me from wanting sugary beverages. I also love peppermint oil.  Great in hot chocolate or brownies. Also works wonders to ease an upset tummy. Add some peppermint to some water in a spritzer bottle and spray yourself after a hot day to help cool off. Stress away is another favorite essential oil of mine. With a unique combination of lime and vanilla this is the perfect blend of tropical and citrus, Stress away is relaxing and comforting.

Visit Anna’s business Facebook page here- Anna’s Addicted to Oils

Thank you everyone for reading! Again, I hope you enjoyed their stories as much as I did. These ladies are so inspiring and are each following this passion of theirs for a different reason. Make sure to go support them in their journeys!
Have a wonderful weekend!