Welcome to StylinArrow!  Here is a little background that got me started on this journey. I wanted to start this blog not only as an outlet for myself, but for others as well. I want this to be a place where ALL types of people can come and do LIFE with me. I am married to my husband Mike and we have two children, Arielle (left) and Willow (right) and two dogs, Thor (German Shepherd) and Whiskey (Pitbull-Australian Shepherd mix). My girls were the inspiration for the blog name (a mixture of both Arielle and Willow). I have a passion for life and I would like to share that passion with you.

Interior design, fashion, and food are a few items I will post on the blog. What I am MOST passionate about is LIFE! There will be a lot about life, the good and the bad. My desire is that this will give you inspiration and bring you hope in your own journey!

If you have any suggestions for topics or content you would like to see, please head to my Contact page to drop me a note!

“Community is not just about being together. It’s about doing LIFE together.

– From “Doing Life Together” JenSchmidt@beautyandbedlam